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CCILU Partner With OneTreePlaneted, A Reforestation Non-Profit Organization!

Ccilu cares deeply about the planet and creating a business that gives back to nature. That’s why we’re thrilled to share that we’re partnering with @onetreeplanted to plant a tree for every pair of shoes sold this April to celebrate Earth Day. Xpresole CCILU already focuses on recycle coffee grounds, partnering with OneTreePlanted will be another great way to give back and help the environment.

Why we choose OneTreePlanted?

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees, offer businesses like ours a simple sustainability solution, and motivate younger generations to do something positive for the environment. 


Trees clean our air and water, create habitats for biodiversity, contribute to our health and wellbeing, and create jobs for social impact. We’re honored to have reforestation through One Tree Planted as an integral part of CCILU.


 Going green is easy, here is how you can do your part:

-Use reusable bags


-Carry your own beverage container


-Use reusable mask

- Get involved with your community in ways to help


We would love to hear of other ways your help mother nature, leave your comments below! 😊


A big Thank you to Our Partner!